Does Ionizing Radiation Always Cause Cancer?

Ionizing radiation is a type of high-energy radiation that includes radon, x-rays, gamma rays, and other forms. Low-energy, non-ionizing radiation such as visible light and cell phone energy have not been found to cause cancer in people. However, ionizing radiation can damage DNA and lead to cancer. It is not yet known how this occurs or how many tumors are caused by radiation damage.Epidemiological studies are used to quantify cancer risks based on dose and to establish radiation protection standards.

Leukemia and most solid cancers have been linked to radiation exposure. Most solid cancer data can be described by linear dose response functions, although there may be a decrease in risks with very high doses. People exposed early in life have especially high relative risks for many types of cancer, and the risk of solid, radiation-related cancer seems to persist throughout life. Not all types of radiation have been proven to cause cancer. Learn what we know about exposure to lower-energy forms of radiation and the risk of developing cancer.

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